Imagine Wellness Massage Therapy
Wellness: The Quality or State of Being Healthy in Body and Mind, Especially as the Result of Deliberate Effort.
Hi. Thanks for checking in. How is it going? If you are here on my website then you probably don't feel as good as you would like to feel.
The most common subject on my table is ageing. We are all ageing. Did you know that we start losing muscle strength when we are in our late 30's. Yes. True. So, a healthy person, who has never felt the need to work on their body, will gradually feel weaker and more tired as they age. And will blame it on ageing and accept it as part of life. Someone who has worked out most of their life will have to do more to keep the same level of strength. But what about the person who worked a desk job most of their life. Or worked driving a truck or large piece of machinery. Was a medical person, like a nurse, who had to sprint on most their shifts. Maybe an esthetician bent over nails or feet all day. Their younger bodies kept them going, and their pride and passion for their work pushed them past their aches and pains.
Now they have chronic pain. but, hey, that's life, right? No! It doesn't have to be. Especially now, when the kids are gone and they are thinking of retirement. I didn't start thinking about these things until I turned 50. That's when I did my Massage therapy training. If I knew in my 30's what I know now, I would not have bad knees.
My passion for massage therapy is fueled by wanting to make people feel better. I have a lot of experience with how the body reacts as it ages. I spent 30yrs at a desk. I treat a client for the pain that brought them to me and, if they want to help themselves, I can provide them with the knowledge. Did you know that 20mins of deep, really deep breathing, can make your torso and pelvic area totally relax and feel looser than you can imagine! I will end this here now. I hope it prompts you to give your body the attention it needs.
All the best, Dallas